ketvirtadienis, rugpjūčio 11
ketvirtadienis, rugpjūčio 4
ketvirtadienis, gegužės 12
ketvirtadienis, gegužės 5
penktadienis, balandžio 29
ketvirtadienis, balandžio 21
penktadienis, balandžio 15
ketvirtadienis, balandžio 7
ketvirtadienis, kovo 31
ketvirtadienis, kovo 24
ketvirtadienis, kovo 17
penktadienis, kovo 11
Well due to a firestorm of complaints regarding the tardiness of this week's Skull Thurday, this is all you're getting:

I swear, if I hear one more complaint, I will put the blind to your eyes.
I am not made of skulls.
Peace Out.
Much love.
We are, Yours, Etc.,
Eb3mnlt "OK, my bad" Pinch-Crimp, Larry Obeloiden "Whitey Two-Tone" von Genschelar Forney.
Signed this March Eleven, at Twenty Five before the Noon, in the year 2005 anno domini.
Long Island City, New York City Borough of Queens, Queens County, The State of New York in These United States of America.

I swear, if I hear one more complaint, I will put the blind to your eyes.
I am not made of skulls.
Peace Out.
Much love.
We are, Yours, Etc.,
Eb3mnlt "OK, my bad" Pinch-Crimp, Larry Obeloiden "Whitey Two-Tone" von Genschelar Forney.
Signed this March Eleven, at Twenty Five before the Noon, in the year 2005 anno domini.
Long Island City, New York City Borough of Queens, Queens County, The State of New York in These United States of America.
penktadienis, kovo 4

This one is a Cro-Lesbian from the Late Piezozioc Era. This era happened billion longer ago in history than the present day. Before Applebee's, before ice cream. All they had was guitars, guitars and fire, they were forces to survive on tar and cacti. The Cro-Lesbian were also forced to endure fierce competition for resources from the Holmgreen's. This competition was not to subside until the co-invention of the Refridgerator and the Franchise.
"One for each, each for one."
-Earlron "Crobar Snakes" Crabcrafter Jr. Miss, Gladmiral of the Cro-Lesbian Navy and Vanguard of Attleboro's Balfour Champions.
NOTE: Click on the picture for an Image of Christo's Beautiful "Gates" Project, surrounded by Snow-Fall in New York City.
sekmadienis, vasario 20
So Busy These Days!

This guy is a diligent tax-payer, neither flustered nor indignant when the forms pile up. A true stalwart of the old school of personal finance. He supports many charities, though each donation is small. He loves chicken cutlet on a hogie with mustard, lettuce, tomatoes, and russian dressing.
Also: He loves cocaine! He really loves a perfectly timed bump. You see, every friday night is "family night", wherein the family goes to Chili's and enjoys a nice meal together. Even the soon-to-be surly teen son looks forward to it, since dad is so fun. Dad knows friday nights as "babyback and blow".

This guy is a diligent tax-payer, neither flustered nor indignant when the forms pile up. A true stalwart of the old school of personal finance. He supports many charities, though each donation is small. He loves chicken cutlet on a hogie with mustard, lettuce, tomatoes, and russian dressing.
Also: He loves cocaine! He really loves a perfectly timed bump. You see, every friday night is "family night", wherein the family goes to Chili's and enjoys a nice meal together. Even the soon-to-be surly teen son looks forward to it, since dad is so fun. Dad knows friday nights as "babyback and blow".
ketvirtadienis, vasario 17
trečiadienis, vasario 16
antradienis, vasario 15
pirmadienis, vasario 7

This one appears to be watching the stars. He also appears to belong to the Pro-Magnum or Neo-Anglican family of Pre-Europeans. Perhaps he is waiting for a sign of the stalacmite that he has been praying for. The burning stalacmite will fall from the sky and bring destruction upon all the dinosaurs that are eating his maize.

This one appears to be watching the stars. He also appears to belong to the Pro-Magnum or Neo-Anglican family of Pre-Europeans. Perhaps he is waiting for a sign of the stalacmite that he has been praying for. The burning stalacmite will fall from the sky and bring destruction upon all the dinosaurs that are eating his maize.